Stones Disability Services views feedback and complaints as a way to help us improve our services and create greater participant satisfaction and outcomes. Our Complaints and Feedback management process ensures that any problem you have with Stones Disability Services’ supports, practices, decisions and policies are valued and listened to respectfully, taken seriously and dealt with promptly and in ways that are culturally appropriate. Your concerns will be treated confidentially as a priority, keeping you fully informed and are committed to working with you towards a satisfactory resolution.
The purpose of this policy is to outline how people can provide feedback and make complaints about any aspect of Stones Disability Services and the process that we will take to address and/or respond to the complaint without prejudice.
This policy all applies to stakeholders of the organisation including: Participants, families and carers, contractors, other service providers and members of the community.
Issues raised by staff would generally be dealt with under our Staff Grievance and Dispute Resolution policy, however from time-to-time staff may raise issues or provide feedback that is best dealt with under this policy.
Stones Disability Services is committed to managing complaints in an accountable, transparent, timely and meaningful way and in the most direct way possible.
Stones Disability Services supports and encourages the rights of our participants, their families/carers and stakeholderstolodgeandpursueanycomplaintinrelationtoanyaspectofStones Disability Servicesorits operations.
The organisation is committed to the following complaints management principles:
❏ assisting people to make a complaint in whatever way is meaningful for them and in a language or communication method that is appropriate to the participant;
❏ complaints can be lodged without fear of retribution;
❏ full protection of confidentiality and privacy of complainants;
❏ complaints are assessed fairly, objectively and professionally;
❏ we are committed to openness and accountability;
❏ complaints are resolved in a timely manner;
❏ we ensure the application of procedural fairness and natural justice for all involved;
❏ we encourage the development of harmonious partnerships;
❏ integrate complaints information into the organisation’s quality improvement process.
Stones Disability Services expects that most complaints/feedback will be able to be addressed and responded to by the people directly involved or at a support worker/middle management level, with only the most serious or unresolved complaints being dealt with by the CEO and/or the National Support/HR Manager. However, where complaints require investigation or a more formal review, we will ensure that sufficient resources are allocated to ensure that complaints are proficiently managed and investigated and will only allocate suitably skilled and qualified employees to investigate and manage complaints of that nature.
If required, Stones Disability Services will refer to, or seek guidance from external agencies, such as the NDIS Commission or beyond that the relevant State or Commonwealth Ombudsman. Complaint Management Stages include:
❏ acknowledgment of receipt of complaint
❏ complaint assessment;
❏ investigation of complaint;
❏ complaint response;
❏ communicating the decision; and
❏ complaint closed.
We have produced a complaints brochure that outlines our policy and procedures in an easy-to-understand format.
Procedures Lodgement:
Any individual, stakeholder or agency wishing to lodge a complaint against services, management or employees of Stones Disability Services will be provided with information regarding the organisation’s Complaints Management policy and process. Any complaint will be heard respectfully, confidentially and with a willingness to assist the complainant.
Each participant and/or their family/carer can determine how their complaint will be made and when and where the complaint will be made.
Information will be provided in a format that is easily understood, in an appropriate language, in an appropriate communication method and considered effort will be provided to ensure the complainant is fully informed regarding the Complaint Management process. A third party on behalf of another person may lodge complaints if their permission and consent has been given. This includes the use of advocates.
The participant and/or their family/carer can nominate a staff or management member of their choice at the service as their key contact regarding the complaint.
Stones Disability Services will handle all complaints with the highest standard of confidentiality. Complaint matters will only be discussed with those on a need-to-know basis and will not be a matter of discussion between any other individuals. All documentation will be retained in a secure place and in compliance with all internal privacy policies and State and Federal legislation.
All staff will handle complaints with:
❏ courtesy and encouragement;
❏ sensitivity to the needs of complainant;
❏ understanding and in a supportive manner
❏ efficiency and effectiveness;
❏ timeliness- complaints received will be formally acknowledged within two (2) days of receipt and the complaint resolved within thirty (30) days where possible;
❏ empathy – understanding others feelings and perspective of issues involved;
❏ open and non-judgemental communication;
❏ information regarding details regarding external support agencies that may assist them with complaints resolution if required. Some of these bodies are listed in this policy.
Complaints Register
The following details relating to the complaint will be documented in Stones Disability Services Complaints Register.
❏ nature of complaint;
❏ Time of incident, place and those present;
❏ witness responses;
❏ findings and outcomes.
Complaints will be resolved within a practicable timeframe. Stones Disability Services will aim to resolve complaints within thirty (30) working days of receipt. Persons who have lodged complaints will be regularly updated and advised of progress within agreed intervals (e.g. weekly). If it is perceived that a delay may be experienced, this delay will be clearly articulated in writing to the complainant.
Investigation of complaints will not be conducted by a person about whom a complaint has been made.
Stones Disability Services will undertake to fully inform any employee that is the subject of a complaint of the nature of the complaint and of the process being implemented to resolve the complaint. If required, the employee concerned will be provided with a seven (7) day timeframe in which to submit a written response and/or seek further advice.
If a complaint is received that alleges criminal activity or provides information about possible criminal activity, it must be referred to management or National Support/HR Manager and relevant State Manager immediately. The State Manager will contact the police or other relevant authorities.
Individuals or parties with a complaint may contact the following bodies should the complaints remain unresolved or at any time in the complaints process. These may include:
The NDIS Commission
Ph: 1800 035 544
Email: Website:
Qld Ombudsman
Ph: (07) 3005 7000
Australian Human Rights Commission
Phone: 1300 369 711
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline
A hotline for reporting or complaining about the abuse or neglect of a person with a disability at home, in the community, or in any other location. The hotline will refer a complainant to a relevant state or local agency where necessary.
Free call: 1800 880 052
Intellectual Disability Rights Service (IDRS)
A community legal centre specialising in legal and rights issues for people with a disability. 2C/199 Regent St REDFERN NSW 2016
Phone: (02) 9265 6350
Free call: 1300 665 908
Fax: (02) 9318 2887
People with Disability Australia
For people with a disability who wish to make a complaint about their rights being infringed.
Phone: (02) 9370 3100
Free call: 1800 422 015
Fax: (02) 9318 1372
Queensland Human Rights Commission (QHRC)
Phone: 1300 130 670
Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion
Phone: 1800 130 582
Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association
MDAA Head Office Phone: (02) 9891 6400
Fax: (02) 9897 9402
Address: 10-12 Hutchinson Street, Granville NSW 2142
Postal: PO Box 884, Granville NSW 2142
Toll free (GRANVILLE, Sydney) 1800 629 072
The Stones Disability Services complaints reporting process is part of the organisation's commitment to implementing our Continuous Improvement and Quality Management Systems. As part of its ongoing commitment to effective reporting processes, Stones Disability Services will maintain all complaint information in accordance with our Privacy, Consent and Confidentiality policy.
Adopting this complaint reporting process assists Stones Disability Services in reviewing service performance, and progress against implementing the quality requirements and meeting the Standards and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018. All complaint details are treated with privacy and confidentiality.
Complaints Relating to Abuse and Neglect:
Stones Disability Services takes reports of abuse and neglect very seriously. It is mandatory for any report of abuse or neglect reported to Stones Disability Services by staff, participants, families, carers, other stakeholders or members of the public to be reported by Stones Disability Services to the Police, the NDIS Commission and to any relevant external agency. Any reports of abuse or neglect reported are to be immediately forwarded to the State Manager. The State Manager will then report the matter directly to the National Support/HR Manager and CEO. Direct reporting to the Police or the NDIS Commission will be the responsibility of management.
Advocacy and support for people using the service:
People who access support and services provided by Stones Disability Services have different types of support networks. Some people have families who are closely involved in their lives or others may be reliant on legally appointed guardians to make decisions for them. On other occasions people are represented by advocacy services and for some participants these advocates are their only support network. Should a participant or the family/carer require support with engaging an advocate Stones Disability Services will assist them with the process.
An advocate must represent the best interests of a person, and in the absence of a family member or any other person having a close relationship with the person, may be the contact person for issues or complaints made by or relating to the person.
National Support /HR Manager
The Stones Disability Services HR Manager is responsible for approving and monitoring the implementation of this policy. The NS/HR Manager is responsible for ensuring that:
❏ All complaints and feedback are dealt with and recorded in accordance with this policy.
❏ Complaints and feedback data is analysed annually and used to inform our continuous improvement and quality management systems.
State Managers
The State Managers are responsible for ensuring that:
❏ all stakeholders are aware of and understand their rights and responsibilities in relation to making a complaint and managing a complaint.
❏ all employees, volunteers, students, team leaders and managers have been provided with training in relation to this policy as required.
❏ ongoing support and guidance is provided to all employees in relation to implementing this policy.
❏ they attempt to resolve and address any complaints or issues raised with them in line with their authority.
❏ Referring any serious complaints to the HR Manager/Team Leader immediately.
❏ Supporting all services users and staff to understand and implement this policy.
All employees are responsible for ensuring that:
❏ viewing complaints and feedback as opportunities to improve the organisation.
❏ they attempt to resolve and address any complaints or issues raised with them in line with the policy.
❏ are aware of and understand this policy and procedures and seek clarification if they do not understand.
❏ they follow the policy and procedures outlined in this policy.
Participants, families, carers and other important stakeholders are responsible for using this complaints process to raise issues directly with Stones Disability Services.